Other works promoter or contractor

There are regulations galore when undertaking works or events that affect the public highway. ISM can help navigate the rules and requirements, licences and permits you need. Our knowledge of how local highway authorities work means we can act as a direct conduit to them on your behalf. Click on the following sections (the pictures) for more information, or just contact us to discuss your needs.

Section 50 licence

A private individual or company that wishes to install or repair apparatus located in the public highway (for instance repair a sewer, install a utility service etc.) needs a NRSWA Section 50 licence from the highway authority. There are many rules and regulations that must be followed; at ISM we know our way through them and will apply on your behalf, advise you on the requirements, and if needed help you source suitably qualified contractors and more.

Highways Licences

Almost anything that happens on the public highway requires a licence from the local authority. If you need some temporary traffic management to undertake tree pruning, or a licence to excavate in the highway to install footing for a new fence, or you need a mobile platform, mobile crane or anything else, talk to us and we can help navigate the licence requirements.

Traffic Management 

Often if you need to book road space, or apply for a licence (for instance for a mobile crane), you will be asked to submit a traffic management plan. We can determine what temporary traffic management (TTM) is needed, provide a suitable CAD drawing or written TMP and ensure you have the right traffic management in place. We can also apply for use of temporary traffic signals, temporary traffic restriction (eg road closures, banned turns, bus lane closures etc), and provide suitable diversion route plans. We draw up everything you need to help get your job done with the minimum of fuss.

On-street Events

Organising a charity run? a marathon? a cycle ride? a parade? Maybe a street party?

Whether you are organising a local 10k run, bike ride or planning a major event, ISM has plenty of experience. We can draw up suitable traffic management plans and suitable CAD drawings, help with risk assessments, provide expert advice on access and and egress, suitability of routes etc. Liaising with the local authority and providing legally approved highways signage, barriers and cones if required.