Organising an event on the public highway requires significant planning to make sure it is safe for those taking part in the event, spectators and the general public. It also needs to be carefully coordinated with other activities nearby (for instance road works).
Events might be anything from a street party in a small cul-de-sac, a carnival, a 10k run or something bigger and more substantial. Even those held entirely on public land may need traffic management for access and egress.
Most local authorities have officers who will work with you to help you hold that event, but there are still a myriad of things that you will need to do or provide. ISM can act as your direct conduit into the authority making sure you submit the documentation and applications and have the required approvals in place in good time for your event.
Typically we will:
Over the years Alex has been involved in organising many events with many local authorities and private organisations; from the London to Brighton Bike ride, London Olympic events like the Surrey Classic Cycle ride, parades for football clubs (for instance Chelsea Champions League winners 2012), many street parties for many different occasions, Red-Bull events in London, larger on-street festivals and fetes, marches and parades.
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